Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
I’m fairly easy to connect with – here’s a list of my preferred media, plus some hints for the most effective ways to connect.
I have a publicly visible Google calendar, with “General Availability” hours listed; typically, it’s easiest to catch me for conversation / follow up in the afternoons, between 1pm and 5pm Central time (US).
For non-work related stuff, send emails to jpmacl at cazh1 dot com (For the uninitiated, I spell out the components of the email address so web crawlers can’t pick up the address and add it to a spam list).
It’s with me at all times, but I’m not listing the phone number on this page – too easy for automated web crawlers to pick up the address and add it to some marketer’s list. However, it is listed on my resume / cv …
And of course, you can always leave a message – I will get back you you as soon as I can!