The World in your Backyard

The World in your Backyard

Introducing a new publishing element today - photography - but in keeping with the mission of this site, I am focusing on the impact of information and technology on the…

The Spark to Ignite Your Innovation Ideas

The Spark to Ignite Your Innovation Ideas

To effectively introduce change to a team, an organization, a customer, or a market, there has to be a compelling reason. Early adopters have it easy - how can established organizations, teams, products see the same results?
Shadow IT is Digital Transformation Trying to Break Free

Shadow IT is Digital Transformation Trying to Break Free

Over the years, the slow growth of Shadow IT has really been the canary in the coal mine, the formative stages of an organization's Digital Transformation - people using Information and Technology to automate internal processes, get closer to the customer, and transform products and services.

May you live in interesting times …

(mythical Chinese curse) We truly do live in interesting times; world, political, and economic events over the past days, weeks, and months have impacted us all. Some may see these…

The Internet of Things and Applied Digital Strategy

The Internet of Things and Applied Digital Strategy

The IoT presents companies with a choice -  top line revenue growth or bottom line earnings improvement. Which is the right focus for your organization? Let’s start by figuring out how to connect this new-wave “digital thinking” to your enterprise strategy.
Fighting over Amber Boxes

Fighting over Amber Boxes

Change is a natural part of the Digital Transformation process and nothing to worry about – as long as you don’t get too caught up in the drama of your Preferred Point of View.
IOT Field Notes: Three Distinct Flavors of the IoT Conversation

IOT Field Notes: Three Distinct Flavors of the IoT Conversation

There are three distinct schools of thought when thinking and talking about IoT and it's impact on their business. When teeing up conversations pointing to megatrends or strategic imperatives, be sure to get specific around what type of IoT conversation you are getting into.