The Magic In the Middle – Practical Tactics for Digital Success

The Magic In the Middle – Practical Tactics for Digital Success

Most projects would be considered a failure if they only got 20% of their promised value. Then again, no one expects 100% success - some folks will never make the change. Is there a middle ground? Absolutely! Read on for practical pointers and targets to focus on - with examples of unexpected benefits.

News for Wombats: Taming Unreasonable Requirements

I've heard from a couple of friends about some "classic" project requests - dilemmas they have recently faced. These unreasonable requests can be turned into something achievable and, potentially, more…

Sample Interview Questions for MS Project

I still get interesting, unsolicited pings from the meebo widget on my blog site. I've got a Pidgin plugin that connects to meebo, so when it says I'm available, I…

There ain’t much IT in IT Management

This morning, I caught myself looking back at the last week of meetings, e-mails, and conference calls, and I experienced a minor epiphany. If I published a detailed diary of…