IoT Field Notes: How to Identify Customer Value
A practical method for zeroing in on where value is created by digital products and services; it depends a lot on the Value Chain (how products eventually get to the End Customer). (Updated)
A practical method for zeroing in on where value is created by digital products and services; it depends a lot on the Value Chain (how products eventually get to the End Customer). (Updated)
To get your innovation idea off the ground, there are four important ingredients that can make the transformation happen. Not all are required – but you need at least two of these to have any chance of getting things moving. If you have only one? Here are some ideas to fill the gap.
To understand who should take a leadership role in defining and building an ecosystem of data for your products, understand the roles in the Value Chain.
Who should take the leadership and ownership role for defining your "ecosystem of data"? This simple story illustrates the challenge for complex value chains.
A practical method for zeroing in on where value is created by digital products and services; it depends a lot on the Value Chain (how products eventually get to the End Customer).
Projects that are funded through your internal seed fund resemble lifecycle stages of startup companies - an interesting parallel.
There are three distinct schools of thought when thinking and talking about IoT and it's impact on their business. When teeing up conversations pointing to megatrends or strategic imperatives, be sure to get specific around what type of IoT conversation you are getting into.
The humble Whiteboard is an import element for capturing product design ideas quickly, organically, naturally. In this article, a few true-life stories, and observations on how the wide-open medium drives flexible creativity.
A practical process to carve out some of your budget to seed innovation projects for the product development folks, looking to experiment with the Internet of Things.
Looking to introduce ideas that are a significant departure from the norm? How to put your ideas in a context that decision makers will understand.