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The Internet of Things and Applied Digital Strategy

The Internet of Things and Applied Digital Strategy

The IoT presents companies with a choice -  top line revenue growth or bottom line earnings improvement. Which is the right focus for your organization? Let’s start by figuring out how to connect this new-wave “digital thinking” to your enterprise strategy.
Who Should Own Digital Strategy?

Who Should Own Digital Strategy?

It really doesn’t matter which functional area leads your Digital Transformation – as long as they realize that the role needs to understand this critical list of skills and experiences.
Navigating Buzzword Overload: Digital Transformation

Navigating Buzzword Overload: Digital Transformation

Some buzzwords begin as well-intentioned shorthand for complex topics; time, however, can turn a good thing into something else. Your Digital Strategy has to align with your Business Strategy; here’s a simple and effective way to make that happen.
Leadership for Digital Transformation

Leadership for Digital Transformation

At Maker Turtle, we believe people can build sustainable, scalable businesses that unlock tremendous value for customers, employees, and stakeholders – and for the community at large. A central tenet…

Creating Digital Value for Customers

Creating Digital Value for Customers

A meaningful digital transformation will provide a compelling answer to a simple question: Why? This article focuses on Customer Value; how to create digital value that truly matters for your Customers. (Part of a series of articles about Enterprise Value Creation for Digital Business.)
Creating Digital Value for Employees

Creating Digital Value for Employees

Your digital transformation needs a compelling answer to a simple question: Why? This article talks about creating digital value by building a Great Company, with Employee Engagement as a guiding metric. (Part of a series of articles about Enterprise Value Creation for Digital Business.)
Creating Digital Value for Stock Holders

Creating Digital Value for Stock Holders

Your successful digital transformation must be driven by a compelling Why. In this article, we drill into the creation of a Great Stock, looking at Total Shareholder Return as the guiding metric. (Part of a series of articles about Enterprise Value Creation for Digital Business.)
Digital Business Continuity – A Whole New World

Digital Business Continuity – A Whole New World

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major disruption for all businesses; the impact and value of Digital Thinking can no longer be deferred and ignored. The last in a series of articles about Digital Business Continuity – real-time lessons learned, improvements we can make now and in the future.