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Fractal Business Issues – Katamari Damacy at Work

Business issues / problems are like fractals. You can drill into the details or see things at a high level. The trick is to be able to understand what level you are looking at, and what level other folks may be at, and the relative difference that can contribute to missed communications. Some conversations at work this week have been interesting, and in hindsight I realized that I was seeing priorities / objectives / issues at one level, and my…

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Interesting Design Sessions

Had two interesting design sessions yesterday, both of which got me thinking / observing ... Push to Prod A team of techs, working in a Unix / Progress environment (QAD MFG/PRO eB2), reviewing our plans for improving our Dev/Test/Prod cycle for controlling / auditing the movement of source between environments. A little history - we didn't get off to a good start because of two key mistakes: Mistake #1: We started with the concept(s) of Development, Test, and Production environments,…

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