Digital Transformation on the Manufacturing Floor
Practical Examples of Value Creation: How will digital transformation create real value for a manufacturing company? Let’s use the factory floor as a testbed ...
Practical Examples of Value Creation: How will digital transformation create real value for a manufacturing company? Let’s use the factory floor as a testbed ...
Your successful digital transformation must be driven by a compelling Why. In this article, we drill into the creation of a Great Stock, looking at Total Shareholder Return as the guiding metric. (Part of a series of articles about Enterprise Value Creation for Digital Business.)
Well-intentioned IT leaders, and their functional peers, want to apply run-like-a-business concepts like customer satisfaction and value creation to the operations of shared service functions. If we can describe things with the same words, we can apply the same fixes. But it's a bit tricky to restate things in a meaningful way...
Organizations are desperate for innovation, but these are still investment choices that require complete and credible data to enable the right decisions. Developing a simple standard for characterizing all costs will accelerate decision making.
Each functional area in your company needs to understand the skills and strengths that they bring to a Digital Transformation effort; why do they deserve a “seat at the table”? First up is the Finance team - with their depth of experience with data and information, Finance can and should play a critical role. (part of a series)
As your organization ponders a Digital Transformation, a critical concern will be the creation of Value. But is this value for the Shareholder as we focus on building a Great Stock, or value for Employees and Customers as we build a Great Company? Three separate conversations, focused on three different stakeholders.
I have done a few public speaking events discussing Finance Participation in your Great Digital Business - a follow-on presentation from the original presentation based on the Five Core Components series of posts plus other articles here on Here's a link to the slides - I've had a lot of great feedback on these, plus some requests for follow up conversations. I'm always happy to talk with folks about figuring out the best way to make these ideas more specific,…
I have done multiple public speaking events discussing IT Participation in your Great Digital Business - a follow-on presentation from the original presentation based on the Five Core Components series of posts plus other articles here on Here's a link to the slides - I've had a lot of great feedback on these, plus some requests for follow up conversations. I'm always happy to talk with folks about figuring out the best way to make these ideas more specific, to…
The humble Whiteboard is an import element for capturing product design ideas quickly, organically, naturally. In this article, a few true-life stories, and observations on how the wide-open medium drives flexible creativity.
Asking for the investment? Here's an outline, with examples, for a business case that includes Cost to Build (one-time) and Cost to Run (ongoing), as well as the Benefits (revenue).