Hand writing recognition – harder than colored bubbles

As I sit in meetings, I find myself thinking through "process" of what we are doing at this moment, as much as I think about what the meeting is about. Then I am writing these short notes to myself for future blog items. Good? Bad? Psychotic? It makes me wish for easier tools to convert notes to complete text - but look at this chicken scratch ... I like these pseudo-postings for process think because I am lazy at heart,…

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Subtle Anarchy

In any organization - if you've been there for a while or are brand new - there aren't many ways you can get away with introducing some change, shaking things up a little, and get away with it. Here are some stealthy, subtle ways to bring in a little healthy anarchy (they get progressively riskier) ... For recurring meetings, make a point of sitting in a different chair every time. People like to maintain the status quo, which often manifests…

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Your Outlook schedule looks like a game of Tetris

Interesting meetings, discussions from last week; as a former consulting partner once noticed, my calendar in Outlook usually looks like a game of Tetris, with back-to-back meetings, double bookings, etc. It was actually quite energizing for me last week, because the meetings were on wildly divergent topics covering lots of areas. Side note: This scheduling style means I seem to be a few minutes late for each meeting - but then again, so are the other folks, so I guess…

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I have nothing to say and I am saying it and that is poetry

(attrib) I was in a meeting yesterday - first time with this particular group of folks, all at same time, on this topic, although I had already established a working relationship with all. Anyway, subject matter was one that most of them had talked about at length over the past few weeks, but I was a new addition to the mix. Suffice it to say, I didn't have too much to add to the conversation, not until the very end…

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