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Thinking Big with the Internet of Things

I was sent a link to this video from a friend at Gartner, after our conversations last month at Symposium. It's a great topic - the Internet of Things on Formula 1 race cars - sexy stuff, and van Manen's statistics really boggle the mind. Check it out - there are a number of specific things to listen for ... [ted id=1802] Just a few thoughts ... The idea of continuous improvement is heavily baked in to the motor racing…

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The One-Sided Journal Entry

"That could be fixed in the system", I said to the weary auditor, "with a one-sided journal entry". Her brow furrowed slightly. "A what?" "A one-sided journal entry. You know, add a debit amount to one account without crediting another." Her frown deepened. "I don't understand". "Well", I said, "this system normally doesn't allow a one-sided journal entry - or at least I don't know how to do it. But it should be possible, I've seen it in other systems."…

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