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RSS: Underappreciated Web 2.0 in the Enterprise

We added RSS capabilities to our internal PMO systems this past month, and traffic & content is already building up to become a valuable resource. Some have [correctly] noted that this increased visibility puts a bit more pressure on project managers and team members, to keep updating project blogs with pertinent information. This “time shifting” of communication should develop into the most effective way to let the rest of IT know what is happening in all areas.

There are some very interesting threads and conversations going on … for example:

  • One Supply Chain systems team informs us of process improvements in product development – nothing to do with IT, but interesting nonetheless
  • Another team is putting together ideas that will take some significant IT costs out – that’s a very active thread
  • The SAP application team is debating with the Basis team on the merits of a Unicode upgrade – and onlookers from Supply Chain Planning and Data Warehousing are noting dependencies on Unicode in their platforms

These spontaneous, organic, and very impactful “conversations”, between people still experimenting with a new technology, show me real potential for spontaneous innovation and idea sharing. More evidence of the value of [judicious] experimentation with new technology – no silver bullet, but just enough spark to start a few fires.

Interested in learning more about RSS? There’s lots of good reading out on the Internet …

via LinkedIn Answers:

(yes, I’m on LinkedIn, feel free to send a connection invite! jpmacl at

Interesting Visualizations … (from RWW)

  • Voyage is an imaginative RSS-reader which displays the latest news in the “gravity area”. Interesting navigation – I don’t think this is practical for internal use, but it sure looks good!
  • Newsmap translates news feeds and frequency to a variable bar graph approach.
  • Universe DayLife is, well, spacey. Translates the universe of news and connections to stars …

Musings on Best Practice …

(via RWW) More reason to pine for Outlook …

Desktop RSS Readers – Folks in PTV IT are using these …

So, you’re more of a visual person?


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