Fun with Ngrams – Art, Science, Programming

A recent gift from Google Labs - the NGram viewer, a fascinating tool that searches the Google Books database for words and phrases, and charts their relative frequency. For example - let's take some of the themes of this blog ... Apparently, Art and Science have grown closer, and enjoy a somewhat parallel existence together. Design (Inspiration) started strong, had a bit of a lull, but is enjoying a bit of a renaissance (as it were). And unfortunately, "management" is…

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Art and Science of Data Visualization

"Data Visualization" has been an extremely active and popular topic for a few years - we can use Google's Timeline search feature to see the growth in interest since 1980: That local high in July of this year was due in no small part to David McCandless' Information is Beautiful talk at TED this past summer. It appeared in my RSS stream here, here, and here, so I got the hint, spent 18 minutes watching it, and got suitably jazzed…

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Sorting with Sound

via - yes, I subscribe to stuff like this in my RSS reader ... httpv:// I thought this was interesting on two levels ... The Engineering student within appreciates the differences in sorting techniques (although I think I could speed up that bubble sort ...) I also think these videos provide a simple illustration of the power of multi-media information sharing; the audio helps the animated "description" of the sorting techniques httpv:// I freely admit to be a bubble-sort…

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Data Visualization: How (2 of 2)

Previously ... creating opportunities for insight ... The short answer, as you know, is that it's impossible to tell you how to be insightful and imaginative in a single blog post. All I can do is point you in the general direction, and (hopefully) ignite a little spark. What's the Goal? and, Where to Begin? I previously talked about the growing calls for effective data visualizations; we have access to all this great information, and there are insights in there…

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Data Visualization: Why (1 of 2)

Between business requests and breathless vendors, I am getting caught up in the growing tide of interest in "data visualizations" - managers requesting highly interactive, highly graphical, highly intuitive analytics interfaces (think Minority Report). But what are we trying to accomplish here? We keep on hearing about "executive dashboards", a heads-up display of in-my-face KPIs, or statistics and exceptions delivered automatically to my e-mail and/or Blackberry. However, when I ask management folks to get a bit more specific - how…

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Linkfest: Data Visualization

I'm a long-time fan of effective visualizations, and I've often written about the effective use of visual information when making presentations or communicating complex information. I've subscribed to my share of blogs and feeds on the topic, and have amassed quite a backlog of interesting links ... presented here for your hyperlinking enjoyment ... Best Blogs information aesthetics - If you appreciate the good stuff when you see it, and like to see the best (to stimulate your own thinking),…

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Optimizing the Wrong Part of Knowledge Management

I sat in on the report-out session from a kaizen event this week, and something occurred to me as I reviewed a ton of interesting findings in a very short time ... Best Practice Self-contained deliverables are the most powerful tools for knowledge knowledge transfer you can have in your organization. I'm talking about a document that stands on its own, and effectively communicates an idea without needing the author nearby to explain anything. The topic doesn't matter - conceptual…

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Driving Participation and Contributions on Internal Blogs and Wikis

It's much easier to install the software than it is to get participation ... you need to put some thought into the why? and the who? ... Why are we doing this? Jack Vinson posted this list from C.G Lynch ( Seven Reasons for Your Company to Start an Internal Blog Your enterprise e-mail applications are not easy to search - access to "buried in a colleague’s inbox" Your e-mail is lost in the eye of the "cc storm" -…

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Communicating Complex Technical Concepts

We've faced this problem a few times, as we roll out a distributed application across a network of remote locations. A fairly typical challenge is to explain the impact of a technical architecture improvement in a relevant, meaningful way - without resorting to techno-jargon. A good approach includes: Keep it short - Too much detail and you will lose them. Find the balance between enough information to be valuable, but not so much as to be boring Focus on the…

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