Thinking Big with the Internet of Things

I was sent a link to this video from a friend at Gartner, after our conversations last month at Symposium. It's a great topic - the Internet of Things on Formula 1 race cars - sexy stuff, and van Manen's statistics really boggle the mind. Check it out - there are a number of specific things to listen for ... [ted id=1802] Just a few thoughts ... The idea of continuous improvement is heavily baked in to the motor racing…

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Suburban Robots that Monitor Reality (The Internet of Things)

Another month, another presentation - something I am trying to do more of this year, somewhat to the detriment of my blog post frequency. However, I may have one or two new posts to put together based on the content of this deck. Here's a link to the slides I am presenting this week (Thursday 14 Mar 2013) in Rolling Meadows, IL and next week (Thursday 21 Mar 2013) in Chicago. The title is The Internet of Things - part…

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